Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Production Diary 8

Final Performance - 19th - On the final day we realised the problems that went wrong the week before and straight away acted upon it by making it clear that the intro was to our desire also the the VT's where correctly set up and ready to use, although a let down in the music student not coming in meant we where just interviewing the media student which worked out better although the lack of run through the week before meant that we had to have another trial run of the complete interview. Another last minute decision was also to have one of the camera's on a track because it makes it more like television programmes such as  T4 where the camera pans from one side of the room to another which was great idea. Both the director and the floor manager worked well together keeping everyone under control because it ended up being a long and stressful experience, i believe that i did my job as the producer well because i had to keep everyone entertained and happy by bringing anyone any water or drinks that they needed.

Production Diary 7

Rehearsal - 12th of January - On the 12th January we had our first full rehearsal of setting up for the live multi cam new broadcast this meant that the whole day we had to stick to our job roles and our running order. This meant that me as a producer had to pick the rest of the crew to fill out roles such as the camera crew, sound engineers other roles that needed to be taken up by people, the way i chose my staff was if i have seen you perform well before you are most likely to be on the team. Mikael, Andy Greenland and Nabeel where all our camera operators this is because i see them as excellent camera operators and work really well as a team offering shots that most other camera operators wouldn't offer to help out the director. Mikael was on the second camera which was on a track which meant that we needed someone to help move the cables along with Mikael, i chose Nyasha to fill in in this role simply because both of these have worked together before on the track and i believed that the succeeded when performing as a duo.

On the sound operating system i had to pick Andy Tabner a lad who from the beginning has shocked me with how much he knows about the audio system with setting up and helping with any audio difficulties who also know exactly what he is doing this is why he was my key man when looking for someone to perform for our television broadcast. Erin was our presenter a young woman who is eccentric on becoming a television presenter and loves performing in front of camera her confidence on camera is also a huge help because just incase anything happens to go wrong she would be able to improvise on the spot a key skill in presenting which is why it was an excellent choice to make her our interviewer and presenter. The run through didn't go completely to plan especially because our intro wasn't completely done also the VT wasn't yet uploaded to the tricaster, this caused a huge problem to us because it wasn't really a run through more of seeing what we had been missing or forgot to do.

Production Diary 6

Designing set - we came together and discussed what our set would look like on the production day we also discussed what type of seats we would want and researched into it, we came up with there being a couch for guest and a single comfortable seat for the interviewer. We chose a couch because it is more laid back for the guest we also had props set out that was to do with both courses such as for the media side we had a camera and a boom microphone, also for the music side we had a keyboard and a guitar.

Production Diary 5

Trial interviews - We where doing trials on how to do live interviews with different groups with several different classes that came in to see what our course was about, this was a chance to impress these up and coming students. The interviews was a brilliant idea considering everyone can swap roles quite a lot of times in order to be able to have a go at being everything.

Production Diary 4

Set up teleprompter  - we all set up the teleprompter and wrote something down on it, then getting another student to read it out then swapping rolls. This process was very helpful because reading off the teleprompter is very beneficial and in every television interview the presenter will read off the teleprompter instead of memorising there lines.

Production Diary 3

Rehearsals on studio set up - Because this course was a new experience to most people we had to get used to setting up a live interview to a multi camera set up we where setting up and taking down the the tricaster, cameras, audio mixer so when it comes to the the 19th we would be able to do it quickly and efficiently in order for other groups to get on with there assignments. This helped me because i was new to setting all the equipment so to consistently keep setting everything up and taking it down helped me to remember what i would do.

Production Diary 2

Researched other television music shows - For my research i chose to look at music programmes that would be similar to ours so i researched into T4 and Top Of The Pops which like to use the technique of interviewing bands after there performance which was what we was going for. I also researched into if there was any news packages of filming live television shoots from the points of the crew filming which there wasn't which is why our news package is different.

Production Diary 1

Discuss which roles we would pick - Producer - looking for what each of our role would entail and discussed our ideas.

Matty - Producer

Abid - Floor Manager

Ashley - Director

Fred - Vision Mixer

We chose these roles out of how well feel we could succeed in performing in our roles, i choose to be the producer because i feel as if i can help pick and choose roles for the final performance also help with a script for the presenter when it comes to the final show.
Abid and Ashley was chosen for the roles as floor manager and director because they are more of the leaders of the group and we feel as if we could all get our work done and to a high standard if they both work together and as them roles.
Fred was chosen as the vision mixer because i believe he works well with Ashley and together they would create a fantastic piece of work.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Floor Plan and Signal Pathway

Here is the Floor Plan for our interview this is how we set up all our cameras, we chose a track to make it like most music television programmes do such as T4 also with giving 2 other cameras on tripods enables the director to swap and choose from the different camera angles. Camera two has a teleprompter on this means that this is the main camera that the presenter will be reading off meanwhile camera one can get a close up of the interviewer.

We positioned the wires around camera three incase it accidentally gets caught up in the track which can unnecessary obstacles, so we agreed to go round the track and go under the curtain into the gallery

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Shooting Schedule/ Running Order

Cumulative Time (mins)
Item Time (mins)
Item Title
Title Intro
Intro Theme
Pre-prepared graphics on VT – not live
LIVE Introduction Of Presenter
Presenter to camera infront of Musician
Presenter talking on clip-on mic
Graphics on lower third of presenter already added on the vision mixer
RUN VT of Performance In Lesson
Pre-prepared video
LIVE Presenter Introducing Media Students
3 camera’s on dolly’s intercutting
2 clip Microphones
Graphics in the lower thrid of the interviewer and the media student name already added on the vision mixer
Pre-recorded Performance of Music Students
3 Camera Set Up
Music from the band
Graphics in the lower thrid of the band name

Call Sheet For Producer

The Manchester College
Fielden Campus
Barlow Moor Road
West Didsbury
M20 2PQ

CALL SHEET                      Music And Media


Production Team

Producers                             Matthew Jump

Director                                  Ashely Artingstall - 07518936629
Cameras                               Mikael Hasanzad - 07707312860
Andrew Greenland - 07583163205        
Nabeel Rafiq - 07544012078
Presenter                              Erin Roche - 07528386922

Interviewer                         Kassem Berraies - 07964956830

Vision Mixer                        Fred Velody - 07984611594

Floor Manager                     Abid Ali - 07707707868

Sound Operator                   Andrew Tabner - 07999442163

Text Box: Fielden Campus
Barlow Moor Road
West Didsbury
M20 2PQ

Production Base:

A 2Way Productions                                                                                   

Telephone                            07725111402


Unit Call Time

Call time at the College is 09.00, Crew briefing at 09:30

The Manchester College, Fielden Campus
Barlow Moor Road
West Didsbury
M20 2PQ

Bus Routes To Fielden

23, 23A, 41, 43, 46, 48, 84, 111, 169, 171, 178, 179, 194, 196, 276, 370

Emergency Contacts

Hospital:                                   Withington Community Hospital

Nell Lane

West Didsbury

M20 2LR
                                                     Tel: 0161 434 5555

Police:                                  Didsbury Police Station
Wilmslow Road
M20 2DW
Enquiry Desk: 0161 856 4986

Kit List:

  • 3 Panasonic Cameras
  • 1 Teleprompter
  • HP Laptop
  • 3 BNC cable
  • 4 XLR 5pin
  • 4 Talkback Units
  • 4 Talkback Headsets
  • 1 Tricaster
  • 1 Tricaster monitor
  • 3 Sony TV monitors
  • RCA Male
  • Vision mixer
  • Sound mixer
  • Headset for director
  • Chairs for Interviewer and interviewee
  • 1 Track to put camera on

Known Risks

Heavy lifting of any props or boxes, falling objects, electrical equipment, fire hazard and constant loud noises