Saturday 2 June 2012


For my assignment I was both the producer and also the presenter I believe that I have done an exceptional job as the producer as I believe with out me in the team we wouldn’t have done any work I believe I was an excellent motivator and expressed my ideas thoroughly. My first initial idea was in fact to talk about digital boxes and the digital switch over but after sitting down with my group and discussing the idea we all came to a decision to that my idea was to open and we had the show only was meant to be 10 minutes long which meant that I had to cut down my idea. When trying to think of new ideas we all agreed that The Changes In Terrestrial Television was much more of an appropriate road to go down, as the producer it was my first task to create a shooting schedule for my group which I did when sat around speaking to the group. Our shooting schedule didn’t go too according to plan but we was able to film everything that we wanted including getting an interview with a store manager (Andrew) in Hewitts which was great because he knew exactly what we where asking and was able to answer every question with complete knowledge. It was my idea to go and film a company although I didn’t expect that we where going to be allowed to film there because of product placement although the manager was more than welcome of us filming and signed a consent form.
As the producer I helped bring everyone together and make sure that everyone in my group was either in or knew what they where doing and keeping them motivated this meant that I had to have excellent attendance which I believe I did have also I was prepared to work late with my group in order to film an important shot. I also created the main scripts for the whole group including for the reporter in the VT Fred but after creating a script he also improvised on what he was saying from what he had been researching about which was terrific also I created interview questions for both interviews with the store manager and also vox pops, the script for the studio was the toughest I believe as it took a lot of research in order to make sure that what I would be saying was true and correct.
My role in the main show was still both the producer and also the presenter I believe that I again performed well as the producer as I collected up my team for filming also I arrived earlier than most people in order to prepare, another job that I took on myself was to create a small VT project on motion where I used graphics and a voice over to help explain some changes in television I also helped set up the set and offered advice about where to put certain things in order to make it look better and more professional. 

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